The Daimon Process

Society as we know it, is about to change
& I take a stand for a new era leadership

a thriving and sustainable environment where individuals eagerly embrace full responsibility for their lives

Thus, I’ve developed the Daimon Process, which is a profound self-mastery program.

It helps you to take ownership of your life by living in alignment with your innermost truth, and enhance your relationship with money, sacred sex, and true power.

The result: you living a passionate, deeply meaningful life in alignment with your life purpose.


  • Wealth

    Learn how to use science-based techniques to effortlessly attract prosperity and wealth. Get ready to lead an abundant life!

  • Sexuality

    Explore the transformative power of conscious sexuality as a pathway to deeper connection, self-discovery, and profound well-being

  • True Power

    Gain true power by eliminating performance anxiety, self-doubt and self-sabotage. Show up in life peaceful, confident, successful, and joyful.

In today’s society, money, sex, and power are topics of taboo. Yet mastering them has the potential to give you a life of freedom, authenticity, and passion.

Merging Cutting-Edge Science with Ancient Wisdom for Genuine Self-Mastery & Transformation

Unlock your power and potential, aligning with your heart's desires and mastering financial independence.

Ignite your inner radiance and confidence, tapping into the wisdom within for transformative love and relationships.

Shed the burdens of codependency and limiting beliefs, and embrace your true power through radical responsibility.

Arm yourself with cutting-edge self-mastery tools, turning business and life challenges into opportunities for growth and wonder.

Let me guide and hold you accountable in realizing your ultimate potential - you will become an alchemist of life!

I want to contribute to a shift in society. Evolutionize disempowering paradigms & inspire us all to thrive and live in connection to our most profound truth & self.

To get there, I'm confident that we, as a society, need to rewrite our relationship with money, sex and power.

From my experience, I've seen how these all go hand in hand. However, sexuality is often seen as taboo and alienated - something we shouldn't discuss or consciously explore. Which makes me upset!

Sexuality, in its raw form, is energy. It's a source of creativity, a gate way to profound spiritual connection, and a helpful force for thriving relationships. The rest is nothing but a manufactured idea and distortion.

Further, I want to foster a space where human growth and transformation become natural and discovered from the eyes of wonder and curiosity - rather than fear and avoidance.

I believe it is time to leave the fear-based and survival mentality behind and enter an age of thriving.

Ultimately, nothing is more rewarding than living close to ourselves, navigating life's challenges with ease, and living true to our purpose and in prosperity.

Most of all, the new era of leadership is from a place of humanness - not robotics. Where we dare to embrace our humanity and potential. I believe that we are all born with a unique gift, an essence, and the most rewarding thing we can do is explore it and create a living and service around it - becoming the change we wish to see.

This is deep work, and it can be utterly challenging to face ourselves, our fears, and our past. However, sometimes our most significant challenge can also be facing our greatness... And in the end, it is always incredibly rewarding.

As a Facilitator — I'm controversial, bold, radical yet sophisticated, compassionate & playful

  • My razor-sharp intuition and loving heart guide me. I'm not afraid to challenge and hold you accountable for your self-sabotaging patterns.

  • If you are ready to let go of the past, face the rewarding challenges of living true to yourself, and have the courage and boldness to be part of this shift, I'm the right person to guide you. However, I'm not for you if you are more committed to your fears and keeping the status quo.

  • I'll help you identify your limiting beliefs - the biggest hindrance to becoming who you want to be. Then, once identified, we'll burn them down together to help you embody the leader you were destined to be!


Live Events

Join a variation of live events, this is where the true magic happens.

1:1 Coaching

For high-achievers, dynamic leaders & entrepreneurs who desire more meaning and a more holistic approach to success.

Online Programs

A variety of programs that you can learn solo or with a partner from the comfort and privacy of your home.

I've been in the field of human potential for 20+ years

During this time, I've gathered plenty of experience and tools to support people on their journey to becoming their best selves.

Further, I've got quite a wild life journey (just wait until my book gets published…). Through which, I've gained a lot of experience. Thus, everything I teach is based on embodied wisdom: I walk the talk.

Client Love

Susanna is for me a true role model for future leaders. She embodies her teachings, and when she is in action, she goes all In.

She shows up in all her power and challenges people head-on or gently, depending on the personality of the person in front of her. She can be vulnerable and show her humanity, which permits others to do the same.

She dares to be controversial in a very rare way, especially in today`s harsh social climate. She truly inspires me, and I feel called to show up in the world and follow my truth as she does.

Peter Forsberg, Coach, Bodyworker & Workshop Facilitator